Monday, May 9, 2011

KETHRIN - Part Three

A knock was heard at the door on 456 West Street in Sunset Valley. Elliot Coen woke up out of a deep sleep and walked downstairs to see his friend Maria, who was holding a baby and dressed in a gray trench coat and hat. The baby herself was wearing an all-black outfit, and Elliot had not noticed her skin color.

"Maria?" Elliot asked, “Who’s the kid?”

"I'm sorry Elliot, but I couldn't think of anywhere else to go." Maria said, walking over to him after putting the baby down. “You see, what happened was, well I don’t know what happened. I was sleeping, and I heard this huge crash, I went outside and there was this fire, I put the fire out and there was this HUGE thing, it must have been ten feet wide! It looked like an alien ship, and when the fire was mostly put out I saw the ship take off and vanish.”

“Okay, so where does the kid-kidkidkidkid GAH!! Have you noticed something about this girl?” Elliot asked when he saw the toddler’s skin color as Maria picked her up. 

“You see, I don’t have my glasses on but I don’t think she’s supposed to be green.”

  "I know that." Maria said, "I found her after the ship vanished. She's an alien."

Elliot and Maria had been best friends for years, a legacy of friendship that started with their fathers and uncles. Maria's father John was a nerd in school, always picked on, and when he was walking down a street one day he was jumped by a group of muggers. Suddenly, a man in a black leather jacket stepped in and saved John's life. The man's name was Tyler Coen, Elliot’s uncle. Ever since Tyler saved John, the two were best friends, and that friendship transcended lifetimes. 


“So what do you need from me?” Elliot asked. 

“I need a place to stay until my house is fixed.” Maria said, “I don’t think anyone knows it was an alien ship that caused the damage.”

“Well they may have the best evidence right there.” Elliot said, looking at the toddler on the floor nearby. “I don’t know what the government would do if they found out about her.”


The two turned and saw Elliot’s father, E.J. Coen, standing nearby, listening in on their conversation. “They would do nothing because they know enough about these aliens from before...”  

1 comment:

  1. This story is sooo GREAT! I <3 IT!! Cant wait till part 4 (:
