Saturday, July 2, 2011

Well ain't this an interesting little diddy?

Last night I manipulated a picture I had taken from my game using the GIMP. It was a picture of Annabelle Kethrin using an Unleash Animale Spell, as you see below: 

Below is the edited version, where Annabelle is shooting an unfortunate desk with a fire spell. The image was created and posted on The Sims 3 Facebook Page where the original caption was:
This is photoshopped but it represents an idea: wouldn't it be awesome if there was a spell that catches things on fire or makes them explode?

A simple idea on a simple pic right? No harm done?

Here is where things start to get interesting. I wake up and I see that The Sims 3 Facebook page uploaded new photos to an album called "Sims Casting Spells". Rather than skip past this because it is clearly photoshopped, and says so in the caption, someone did something or some-ish or another, and the photo not only showed up on the album as a pic, but on the ALBUM COVER IMAGE as well! Well, the funny part is people were talking about actually getting the spell book because of the image in the comments, so there is enough egg on my face to throw in some flour and call me a cake.

So sorry to all those who bought the item thinking you can shoot fire :/

Anyway, after a few hours it got me thinking: Why would they not only take that image, but put it on the album cover as well? Well, after some clever deducing using my own clever (yet strange) brain, my brain and I came up with the idea that they are working on a spell for the spell book that shoots fire and maybe, slightly, could have, used that as an unofficial teaser to advertise said fire spell.

Though they could have just picked the image because it looked cool.

Now while I have no evidence or anything pointing towards this deduction, I must say if they used my pic to secretly advertise a fire-shooting spell then frankly the awesomeness of that would make my head explode into confetti. But, it could just be a pipe dream eh? What do you think: Honest mistake? Clever advertising? Pipe-Dream by a dreamer in a pipe? Time will only tell. All I know is that if they did take my image to tease more spells then they had better give me SimPoints to buy them (please) :P

I'll keep you updated :)

1 comment:

  1. That's strange... Sims3 facebook page is a mess most of the time... I like what you did though lol
